Cycle 1 – March 28 through April 3
First Place $750 to 单荣海 with 11 Members
Second Place $400 to 陈文妹 with 10 Members
Second Place $400 to Bob Howsden with 10 Members
Fourth Place $200 to 郑干 with 8 Members
Fourth Place $200 to 徐建凤 with 8 Members
Sixth Place $200 to 钟咏漪 with 6 Members
Sixth Place $200 to Loh Wei Keong
with 6 Members
Eighth Place $150 to 赵恩旺 with 5 Members
Eighth Place $150 to 林若昀 with 5 Members
Eighth Place $150 to Jajat Jatinika Holil
with 5 Members
Eighth Place $150 to Tutik tri hastuti Wagino
with 5 Members
Cycle 4 - April 18 through April 24
First Place $750 to 宋艳华 with 14 Members
Second Place $500 to 吳啟禎 with 7 Members
Third Place $250 to 赵国双 with 6 Members
Third Place $250 to Ahmasd Saragih
with 6 Members
Fifth Place $200 to 黃瑋琳 with 5 Members
Fifth Place $200 to M Agungsyah
with 5 Members
Seventh Place $200 to Lee Poh Choon
with 4 Members
Seventh Place $200 to Tutik tri hastuti Wagino
with 4 Members
Ninth Place $100 to 林若昀 with 3 Members
Ninth Place $100 to 陈晋 with 3 Members
Ninth Place $100 to Chang En Ling
with 3 Members
Ninth Place $100 to Chen Yoke Yin
with 3 Members
100+150 =250美金=8250台幣
這 250 美金 (= 台幣8250 )又是多賺的!
事實證明 魚與熊掌 是可以兼得的!